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International Development Solutions

Chemists in a laboratory in Upper Egypt examine water samples to ensure the quality of produced water

Tetra Tech empowers local communities and improves livelihoods through innovative and sustainable solutions for global development.

We lead with an integrated approach that is focused on building the capacity of communities and individuals to create strong, healthy, and resilient societies—from promoting peace, stability, and economic growth, to health and education, to improved natural resource management.

A berry farmer in Kosovo displays his latest crop yield

Agriculture and Food Security

Aerial view of mangroves in West Africa

Climate Change Services

Urban landscape of Tbilisi, Georgia, representing a governance ecosystem where Tetra Tech supports strengthened local and regional governance and civil society engagement

Democracy, Rights, and Governance

Woman holds a basket of dried coffee beans in DRC

Economic Growth

Students sitting at desks facing chalk board in a classroom in Malawi


A person and child standing in front of windmills

Energy for Development

Group of farmers in their rice field in Cambodia

Environment and Natural Resources

Aerial view of Colombian women and girls with their arms up

Gender Equity, Disability, and Social Inclusion

Three girls stand looking at a tablet held by a female doctor in South Africa


Man with a Tetra Tech high visibility vest holds a tablet and watches a man digging a trench in Malawi


Community members, some sitting some standing, look over village demarcations in Uganda

Institutional Strengthening and Localization

Three women look out on a landscape in Colombia

Land Rights

Enumerator evaluates child education using a tablet in Jordan

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning

Woman in Cote d’Ivoire leads a community meeting standing over a large paper on the ground with a group of people in a circle looking at her


A man fills a water can at a water collection point in Ethiopia

Water Security, Sanitation, and Hygiene

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